Hello and warm WELCOME!
What motivated me to start this blog?
I was mad at the system! Too many people are getting help with how to manage their depression, rather than how to find their unique way out of it.
That did not seem fair!
Having experienced depression on both sides: as a patient and as a professional, working for Mental Health, I knew depression can be lifted. (I have been free from depression for many years now. I also met many people who are healed from depression.)
So, knowing that it can be done, I started to look at all the HOWs of depression recovery!
The more I studied, the more I realised how personal this recovery journey is!!!
There is no simple, fast, ‘one fits all’ remedy to heal depression.
I take a firm position that your depression can be lifted when you are determined to heal, as well as supported and provided with the appropriate tools and knowledge.
That’s what I am doing: teaching about these tools and new healing perspectives.
Love, light, and healing!
Kat x