Archive for the 'Attitude' category

Is depression really your enemy?

Jul 09 2013 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Hope, Inspiration

recoverypathThere is something good in your life right now, at this very moment.

It is probably hard for you to see it, let alone to name what exactly is good.

Your mind may be saying ‘nothing is good’ or even worse: ‘nothing will ever be good’. Why do we humans choose to believe our thoughts?

Close your eyes and listen to your heart…

Take a deep breath and listen to your body…

Life runs in you! Life runs through you! You are life! You are precious, wonderful, sacred life!

Yes, you have Depression standing next to you. She is holding you by your shoulders, but she is not your enemyContinue Reading »

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Is it possible to get out of depression in 80 days or less?

Oct 02 2012 Published by under Action, Attitude, Inspiration

Before we get into ‘How to lift depression in 80 days of less’, I want to introduce you to my expert: Phileas Fogg*.

On October 2, 1872 (exactly 140 years ago), Phileas Fogg placed a wager:

“I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes, that I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less… As today is Wednesday, the second of October, I shall be due in London, in this very room of the Reform Club, on Saturday, the twenty-first of December, at a quarter before nine PM; or else the twenty thousand pounds . . . will belong to you.”

Equipped with astonishing determination, commitment and a “no-matter-what” approach, he won that bet, despite all the challenges that stood in his way!

Are you looking for an answer to “How to lift your depression in 80 days or less”?  Continue Reading »

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Relationships: where to start?

Sep 27 2012 Published by under Attitude, Change, Inspiration

I don’t think anyone needs an explanation for why our relationships are so important. We need them, full stop.

There are also moments in almost every person’s life when, wallowing in self-pity and crying our eyes out, we might whisper to ourselves: “I don’t need anyone…”


in that very moment,

does our intense emotional pain (which can also make us physically sick) indicate that we are lying to ourselves, hurting ourselves and moving away from our primary social needs: attention (giving and receiving), intimacy, friendship, belonging and so many more?  Continue Reading »

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What can happen if you avoid things that are uncomfortable?

Jul 03 2012 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Inspiration

Recently I received an e-mail from a wonderful and very insightful girl called Emily. The article below is what I would like Emily to read as my reply. It was written by Christine Kane. I just love what Christine teaches us!

Written by Christine Kane

Somewhere along the way, we learn to avoid things that are uncomfortable.

“Hey look at this,” we think. “If I just stay here in the middle – away from the sharp edges – then I don’t get too banged up.”

Slowly, our passions and goals stop being about what we want to create or who we dream of becoming.  Continue Reading »

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The risk of recovering from depression vs. the risk of living with depression.

Jan 17 2012 Published by under Attitude, Change

Depression is painful. You feel hurt.

You lead a predictable and guaranteed painful existence. You numb yourself with drugs and sometimes lots of sleep. You wait for the pain to go away.

Before long you build an illusion that your recovery is out of your reach.

Then you build another illusion that if you were meant to recover, your journey out of depression would be clear, fast and totally pain-free.


Have you ever thought that you might be hampering your own recovery and choosing to play it safe instead? ‘Better the devil you know?’

Could it be possible that the pain of your depression is less than the pains you might experience during and after your recovery?

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