Chicken soup for the depressed soul?

Feb 27 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

Did you know that in olden days soups were prescribed to you if you were unwell? In many cultures, it is still the first food served to a person recovering from an illness, especially a long one.

Soups are made all over the world, hence the endless types, varieties and flavours. Making soups is a very old tradition. It is said that restaurants were originally created to serve soups (restoratifs) in 18th century Paris.

What makes soup so special?

– soups are very nutritious, as they usually combine a lot of healthy ingredients;
– soups are filling;
– soups are easily digested;
– soups are easy to make, if you follow step-by-step instruction;
– soups are usually cheap to make and can last you for a few days (you can even freeze them);
– soups are easy to serve and share: a big pot with a ladle in the middle of the table, fresh crusty bread and voila!;
– soups stimulate your senses and encourage your creativity.

Commercially produced soups are not as good. Usually full of salt and additives, even the healthiest soups on the market (tinned or vacuum-packed) do not have the same appeal or nutritional value as a freshly cooked home-made soup.

Try cooking soup and reconnecting with your inner healing powers.

When you are recovering from depression, you must learn self-nurture. Making at least one home-made soup each week could be your first new habit of taking good care of yourself while recovering.

If you live in a household where someone else is usually cooking for you, it could be your opportunity to thank them. ‘I made us some soup!’ will sound wonderful to them!

It could also be an occasion to invite someone over to share food with you. Maybe even to open up to tell them that you did not ignore them on purpose, you were unwell, but you are on a recovery path.

So, what will be your ‘soup of the week’ this week?

Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration!


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One response so far

  • Dino Milosch says:

    Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless its a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.

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