15 suggestions to alleviate your depression this May

Apr 30 2010 Published by under Decision, Determination, Inspiration

May is here! What can we do differently this month to alleviate our depression and start enjoying life again? Small changes followed consistently go a long way.

Here is my list of suggestions to implement in May:

1. Eat outside (alfresco) whenever weather is permitting. Eat by the open window, if it’s raining or windy.

2. Stop wearing black-coloured clothes for the whole month, except shoes, belts and bags/briefcase. If you need to wear a black suit/uniform for your work, just follow ‘no black’ rule outside your working hours. Use navy, brown, purple, dark green, grey, denim and lots of white, pastel and light colours during this month. Enjoy the art of colour coordination.

3. Create a new focal point in your favourite room. Paint/paper the feature wall in an inspiring colour. Hang an inspiring picture. Create a shelf to display some inspiring and uplifting objects.

4. Have fresh flowers around your house. Buy some inexpensive (in-season) flowers. Ask any enthusiastic gardener you know if he/she would be able to supply you with flowers this month. Collect flowers in the wild. Change them as soon as they start wilting.

5. Move your bed to a new spot in your bedroom. Chances are your bed is located in the most convenient place. However, we sometimes need a new perspective the moment we open our eyes each morning.

6. Give up your favourite chair/sitting spot for this month. Create a new place to sit or move your chair.

7. Reduce TV watching by as much as possible. Record your favourite shows and watch them on your terms.

8. Step outside barefoot on the grass daily.

9. Find a scenic spot nearby that inspires you. Commit to visit it daily or as many times a week as it is reasonable. Note: it does not matter how you get there (drive, walk, cycle etc.). The key point is to get there and spend some time breathing, balancing and taking the beauty in.

10. Start practising smiling daily.

11. Take up photography and share your best pictures on the web. I would like to use your photos on my blog!

12. Plan your next day the night before. Write it down.

13. Don’t watch the news. Let other people tell you what’s happening for a whole month.

14. Take time-off or reduce contact with your negative friends and relatives.

15. Focus on building connection with positive and inspiring people. Join their blogs, twitter, teleseminars.

Apologies to my friends in the southern hemisphere, as some of my suggestions are out of season for you.

Maybe this list triggered some of your own ideas and suggestions. We want you to share them with us. Please do so by clicking on the ‘Add new comment’ button.

Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration!

Photo by: 123RF Stock Photos

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5 Great Reasons to Smile a Lot and Often

Mar 23 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

How often do you smile? Do you naturally greet people with a smile or are you saving your smiles for better times?

In case you are wondering ‘What is there to smile about?’, ‘Why smile when I am feeling pain or numbness inside?’ or ‘Why deceive everyone with my false smile?’, I hope I can encourage you to review your attitude.

Smiling is good for you! Here is why:  Continue Reading »

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Do you really want to recover from depression?

Feb 18 2010 Published by under Determination, Inspiration

Wait… don’t log off… give me a minute of your attention… please…

I know how upsetting it is to read the title of this post. But let me explain.

Of course, you want to be depression-free. I have no doubts that this is your conscious choice.

However, it’s not enough to want this outcome consciously. What goes on deep in the recesses of your subconscious mind will also influence whether you can achieve your desired results.

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Depression and failure: Edison’s lesson on handling failures.

Feb 11 2010 Published by under Decision, Determination, Inspiration

Today is Thomas Edison’s birthday. He was born 163 years ago and was one of the most prolific inventors in history.

I really like some of his quotes:

‘As a cure for worrying, work is far better than whiskey. I always found that, if I began to worry, the best thing I could do was focus upon doing something useful and then work very hard at it. Soon, I would forget what was troubling me’.

‘If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves…’.

‘The three things that are most essential to achievement are common sense, hard work and stick-to-it-iv-ness….’.

‘Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up’.

I consider Edison my role model in how to handle a failure. He had pretty amazing attitude, patience and perseverance. When he was
designing a working electric light bulb, I believe he had over 3000 attempts that failed. Instead of giving up, he chose to focus on the valuable insight that these failures gave him, made some adjustments and tried again. He understood that failures lead to success.

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