Clarity and depression: Do you know what you want?

May 23 2014 Published by under Action, Change, Choice, Decision, Inspiration

clarity and depression


Clarity and depression…

You probably know what you don’t want…


Do you know what you DO want?

Do you have a vision?

A vision for your future?

A vision for your next holiday?

A vision of your next job?


What would your depression-free life look like?  Continue Reading »

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What can you do about depression just before Christmas and the New Year?

Dec 18 2011 Published by under Action, Attitude, Hope

The year is almost over. Christmas is just round the corner. The festive spirit is in the air: music, decorations, gifts, parties, great food, holidays, etc.


How do you feel in the midst of these December festivities? Stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, isolated, powerless, useless, lonely and desperate, exhausted, or full of guilt and resentment?

What can you do to stop feeling that way?

You can do ‘I CAN DO’. This is the chosen attitude that despite feeling depressed, you embrace the approaching winter holidays with some planning, and most importantly, commit to do the things on your list.

So, here are an examples of ‘I CAN DO’ behaviours, as well as tasks and projects to try out this December:

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