The power of gratitude in healing depression.

Nov 24 2016 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Hope, Inspiration, Strategy

gratitude quote

Feeling grateful while experiencing depression is tough, no kidding!

Finding things to be grateful for, while your life seems to be pointless and every cell in your body vibrates with either pain, fatigue or both, does not seem a natural or even a reasonable thing to do.

What is there to be grateful for? “I will be grateful when I get better!” Now, this thought resonates pretty well with the left brain’s logic, right?

So, why is it then, if we drop our attention deep within and keep quiet enough to listen to our hearts and souls, we would hear their whispers of despair: “But I want and need to be filled with gratitude! I am starved emotionally and spiritually without it! Please, help me to feel it!”

It is hard to feel… and yet it is needed to heal, to thrive, to experience life fully….  Continue Reading »

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Joy and depression: Don’t you dare interrupting my depression with that nonsense!

Mar 05 2015 Published by under Action, Attitude, Change, Choice, Inspiration



           Joy and depression…

I don’t see it often mentioned in one sentence or even in one article, do you?

It’s seems to be a taboo in our modern society to speak of joy to a person suffering with depression.

Mention joy (or happiness, or positivity) as a way upwards and forwards, and you are doomed to be labelled rude, insensitive and “lucky” for not understanding depression even on a very basic level.

This “joy” idea may even cause some depressed people to explode with anger: “How dare you for interrupting my legitimate state of mind with this nonsense?! If I could experience joy, do you think I wouldn’t be doing it already?!”

We all get defensive over our beliefs. It’s totally human.

Being right seems to be more important than being happy, even in the situations where your life is at stake…

Very sad, but true…

It also seems that those who allow themselves to explore (rather than shut down) the possibility of a new way of thinking are the only people who can evolve and grow.

Those are the people who are prepared to do anything to overcome the debilitating grips of depression.

I sincerely hope you are one of them!

So, here I am, pushing you to explore the topic of “JOY”. And yes, I am fully aware how uncomfortable it might be for you…

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