The risk of recovering from depression vs. the risk of living with depression.

Jan 17 2012 Published by under Attitude, Change

Depression is painful. You feel hurt.

You lead a predictable and guaranteed painful existence. You numb yourself with drugs and sometimes lots of sleep. You wait for the pain to go away.

Before long you build an illusion that your recovery is out of your reach.

Then you build another illusion that if you were meant to recover, your journey out of depression would be clear, fast and totally pain-free.


Have you ever thought that you might be hampering your own recovery and choosing to play it safe instead? ‘Better the devil you know?’

Could it be possible that the pain of your depression is less than the pains you might experience during and after your recovery?

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Why planning your day is important in lifting depression?

May 11 2010 Published by under Information, Inspiration

While it is common to blame inability to plan on depression,

I would like you to consider the possible costs of not planning your day in advance:

  1. You may believe there are no reasons to get out of bed and follow your morning routine.
  2. You may see no point and/or feel no urgency in doing anything during the day.
  3. You may engage yourself in negative self-talk and feeling sorry for yourself as soon as you are awake, as your mind is free of tasks, responsibilities and any excitement.
  4. You may feel pessimistic and lethargic during the day, as you follow no purpose and no passion. Nothing energises you!
  5. You may feel that your life does not belong to you and you are not in control of your decisions and lifestyle.
  6. You may feel drained and drowned by routine and boredom.
  7. You may feel stuck, trapped and powerless.
  8. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of things to be done.
  9. You may feel unimportant and insignificant.
  10. You may deprive yourself of fun, hobbies and relaxation as you feel you don’t deserve them.
  11. You may feel stressed by things that should have been done yesterday or things that require your immediate attention.
  12. You may regret wasting another day away and go to bed disappointed and defeated.

As you can see failing to plan your day ahead of time is surely a plan to fail. This strategy will erode your self-esteem and will continue to drive you deeper into the darkness of feeling helpless, hopeless and inadequate.

When depressed, you cannot afford to enter another day without planning ahead of time!

Next time, I will illustrate this core message with some examples. Until then…

Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration!

Read the illustration here (Click on the title): To Plan or Not to Plan: A story of two approaches…


Photo by: 123RF Stock Photos

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15 suggestions to alleviate your depression this May

Apr 30 2010 Published by under Decision, Determination, Inspiration

May is here! What can we do differently this month to alleviate our depression and start enjoying life again? Small changes followed consistently go a long way.

Here is my list of suggestions to implement in May:

1. Eat outside (alfresco) whenever weather is permitting. Eat by the open window, if it’s raining or windy.

2. Stop wearing black-coloured clothes for the whole month, except shoes, belts and bags/briefcase. If you need to wear a black suit/uniform for your work, just follow ‘no black’ rule outside your working hours. Use navy, brown, purple, dark green, grey, denim and lots of white, pastel and light colours during this month. Enjoy the art of colour coordination.

3. Create a new focal point in your favourite room. Paint/paper the feature wall in an inspiring colour. Hang an inspiring picture. Create a shelf to display some inspiring and uplifting objects.

4. Have fresh flowers around your house. Buy some inexpensive (in-season) flowers. Ask any enthusiastic gardener you know if he/she would be able to supply you with flowers this month. Collect flowers in the wild. Change them as soon as they start wilting.

5. Move your bed to a new spot in your bedroom. Chances are your bed is located in the most convenient place. However, we sometimes need a new perspective the moment we open our eyes each morning.

6. Give up your favourite chair/sitting spot for this month. Create a new place to sit or move your chair.

7. Reduce TV watching by as much as possible. Record your favourite shows and watch them on your terms.

8. Step outside barefoot on the grass daily.

9. Find a scenic spot nearby that inspires you. Commit to visit it daily or as many times a week as it is reasonable. Note: it does not matter how you get there (drive, walk, cycle etc.). The key point is to get there and spend some time breathing, balancing and taking the beauty in.

10. Start practising smiling daily.

11. Take up photography and share your best pictures on the web. I would like to use your photos on my blog!

12. Plan your next day the night before. Write it down.

13. Don’t watch the news. Let other people tell you what’s happening for a whole month.

14. Take time-off or reduce contact with your negative friends and relatives.

15. Focus on building connection with positive and inspiring people. Join their blogs, twitter, teleseminars.

Apologies to my friends in the southern hemisphere, as some of my suggestions are out of season for you.

Maybe this list triggered some of your own ideas and suggestions. We want you to share them with us. Please do so by clicking on the ‘Add new comment’ button.

Stay strong, remain hopeful and seek inspiration!

Photo by: 123RF Stock Photos

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The Power of Compliments in Lifting Depression

Feb 15 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

Giving compliments is a hard task for a lot of people suffering and recovering from depression.

Coming out of depression involves a process of rediscovering and re-learning the powerful and vital social skill of giving compliments.

When I was wrapped in my own depression, my inner suffering locked me away in some kind of socially-isolated cocoon.

Before long, I formed a habit of not noticing the good and the positive about others and myself. I stopped giving complements to people. Why should I, when my own happiness and optimism had vanished?  Continue Reading »

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