7-MINUTE THERAPY for Depression: with Virginia Satir

Jul 22 2013 Published by under Change, Choice, Inspiration

7-minute-therapyTherapy… What comes to your mind when you say this word?

For me personally, it is firmly associated with the word ‘years’.

As in years of therapy!

Somehow, while our modern world has managed to get faster and faster, the duration of therapeutic interventions has managed to stretch and keeps stretching…

I don’t know about you, but it does not seem right to me!  Continue Reading »

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Lift My Depression Cinema: The Intouchables (2011)

Jun 24 2013 Published by under Action, Hope, Inspiration

intouchablesLast weekend I watched a movie that I highly recommend you see:

The Intouchables (2011)

It is funny, emotional, serious, moving and totally enjoyable!

What more can I say apart from:  ‘Please watch it!’

Here is the trailer:

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