Archive for the 'Hope' category

The power of gratitude in healing depression.

Nov 24 2016 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Hope, Inspiration, Strategy

gratitude quote

Feeling grateful while experiencing depression is tough, no kidding!

Finding things to be grateful for, while your life seems to be pointless and every cell in your body vibrates with either pain, fatigue or both, does not seem a natural or even a reasonable thing to do.

What is there to be grateful for? “I will be grateful when I get better!” Now, this thought resonates pretty well with the left brain’s logic, right?

So, why is it then, if we drop our attention deep within and keep quiet enough to listen to our hearts and souls, we would hear their whispers of despair: “But I want and need to be filled with gratitude! I am starved emotionally and spiritually without it! Please, help me to feel it!”

It is hard to feel… and yet it is needed to heal, to thrive, to experience life fully….  Continue Reading »

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Will eating certain food cure my depression?

Feb 19 2015 Published by under Action, Change, Choice, Decision, Hope, Inspiration


healthy food 1There is endless information on the internet claiming that eating certain food will cure depression…

I believe that there is a big element of truth in those claims. I even wrote an article suggesting that …

Oh…wait… I was not talking strictly about food in that article! 🙂

But, seriously, can food heal depression?

My answer is yes and no! That’s right! YES and NO!

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Love and Depression: Connecting to your heart

Feb 14 2015 Published by under Action, Attitude, Change, Choice, Hope, Inspiration, Strategy

love & depressionOften depression makes you feel empty, lonely and indifferent.

What can you do to begin to feel the vibration of love through you and all around you once again?

Well, let me reveal you a huge secret that took me years of depression to figure out:

your kind and loving heart is still intact!

It did not stop beating, get depressed or somehow stop working properly. It is still there: a generous, warm and ever so full of love heart!

Your depression somehow interrupted the connection between your heart and your brain, so that your brain can feed you the lies all days long. You get thoughts: thoughts that you don’t care anymore and no one else cares; thoughts that the world can happily exist without you and you can exist without anyone else too… Those venomous thoughts (as I can remember) are plentiful and never ending.

Do you have to believe those thoughts? Do you have to accept them as absolute truth, especially since they have originated in your own brain? Do you need to allow those thoughts to rule your life?  Continue Reading »

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Is depression really your enemy?

Jul 09 2013 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Hope, Inspiration

recoverypathThere is something good in your life right now, at this very moment.

It is probably hard for you to see it, let alone to name what exactly is good.

Your mind may be saying ‘nothing is good’ or even worse: ‘nothing will ever be good’. Why do we humans choose to believe our thoughts?

Close your eyes and listen to your heart…

Take a deep breath and listen to your body…

Life runs in you! Life runs through you! You are life! You are precious, wonderful, sacred life!

Yes, you have Depression standing next to you. She is holding you by your shoulders, but she is not your enemyContinue Reading »

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Lift My Depression Cinema: The Intouchables (2011)

Jun 24 2013 Published by under Action, Hope, Inspiration

intouchablesLast weekend I watched a movie that I highly recommend you see:

The Intouchables (2011)

It is funny, emotional, serious, moving and totally enjoyable!

What more can I say apart from:  ‘Please watch it!’

Here is the trailer:

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