Join in the healing yellow dance of nature!

Mar 28 2014 Published by under Action, Change, Inspiration

Today I want to invite you for a walk.

Do you notice all the changes since the vernal equinox?

Where I live, Midlands, UK, there is a vibrant yellow dance going on in nature right this very moment!


Join me and let’s experience it together: 




forsythia's laugh


Primula smiling






spiky plant yellow


Vibrant yellow flowers


yellow fireworks


Yellow! Yellow is everywhere!

So uplifting after the dreary greys and flat/faded greens (there was almost no snow this year).


Yellow! Fresh, promising, stimulating colour!

The one that says: The world is OK! You are OK!


There is so much love, warmth, fun, joy and sunshine in this big and wonderful world.

It’s there for you! Absolutely free!


Please take a walk! Observe the changes! Breathe in their healing and energising powers…


Love, light and healing!


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