Relationships: where to start?

Sep 27 2012 Published by under Attitude, Change, Inspiration

I don’t think anyone needs an explanation for why our relationships are so important. We need them, full stop.

There are also moments in almost every person’s life when, wallowing in self-pity and crying our eyes out, we might whisper to ourselves: “I don’t need anyone…”


in that very moment,

does our intense emotional pain (which can also make us physically sick) indicate that we are lying to ourselves, hurting ourselves and moving away from our primary social needs: attention (giving and receiving), intimacy, friendship, belonging and so many more? 

So deep down we all know that relationships are vital for us.

But how do we begin making our relationships work?

I would like to share with you some wise words, written by Louise L. Hay in her book ‘LIFE! Reflections on your journey’:

The Most Important Relationship of All

The most lasting relationship I will ever have is the relationship I have with myself.

All other relationships come and go.

Even marriages that last “until death do us part,” end eventually.



The one person I am with forever is me.

My relationship with me is eternal.


So what is this relationship like?

Do I wake up in the morning glad to find myself here?

Am I a person I like to be with?

Do I enjoy my own thoughts?

Do I laugh with myself?

Do I love my body?

Am I content being with me?


If I don’t have a good relationship with myself, how can I have a good one with someone else?

If I don’t love myself, I will always be looking for someone to complete me, to make me happy, to fulfill my dreams.


What were your thoughts and feelings while you were reading Louise Hay’s passage?

How have you been treating yourself since you became depressed?

What can you do differently? What new habits and rituals can you develop? What old ones are you willing to drop?

I can’t wait to hear your stories, your thoughts and your ideas on how you can treat yourself better, starting today. Please write them down in your journal or on a piece of paper, even if (for whatever reasons) you cannot share them with us yet.

Love, light and healing!

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