What can you do about depression just before Christmas and the New Year?

Dec 18 2011 Published by under Action, Attitude, Hope

The year is almost over. Christmas is just round the corner. The festive spirit is in the air: music, decorations, gifts, parties, great food, holidays, etc.


How do you feel in the midst of these December festivities? Stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, isolated, powerless, useless, lonely and desperate, exhausted, or full of guilt and resentment?

What can you do to stop feeling that way?

You can do ‘I CAN DO’. This is the chosen attitude that despite feeling depressed, you embrace the approaching winter holidays with some planning, and most importantly, commit to do the things on your list.

So, here are an examples of ‘I CAN DO’ behaviours, as well as tasks and projects to try out this December:

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Lift depression by making choices in favour of fascination

Apr 05 2010 Published by under Decision, Determination, Inspiration

Do you remember the last time you felt fascinated? Did you ever feel fascinated by a form or a colour, a reflection of the light or a natural phenomenon? What about by an intricacy of design? Or by people and their behaviour? It is probably not too hard to recall moments of total absorption before you got unwell. But what fascinates you these days?

Looking back at my own experience of depression, the magical feelings of being fascinated with the world around you fade away pretty fast once the depression descends upon you. The world rapidly turns bleak. Day dreaming, imagination and our innate curiosity evaporate. Emptiness invades our heads and hearts. We slow down. We shut the world out. We lock ‘the door’. We throw away or misplace ‘the keys’.  Continue Reading »

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5 Great Reasons to Smile a Lot and Often

Mar 23 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

How often do you smile? Do you naturally greet people with a smile or are you saving your smiles for better times?

In case you are wondering ‘What is there to smile about?’, ‘Why smile when I am feeling pain or numbness inside?’ or ‘Why deceive everyone with my false smile?’, I hope I can encourage you to review your attitude.

Smiling is good for you! Here is why:  Continue Reading »

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The Power of Compliments in Lifting Depression

Feb 15 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

Giving compliments is a hard task for a lot of people suffering and recovering from depression.

Coming out of depression involves a process of rediscovering and re-learning the powerful and vital social skill of giving compliments.

When I was wrapped in my own depression, my inner suffering locked me away in some kind of socially-isolated cocoon.

Before long, I formed a habit of not noticing the good and the positive about others and myself. I stopped giving complements to people. Why should I, when my own happiness and optimism had vanished?  Continue Reading »

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What kept Robinson Crusoe going and what would help you to get better?

Feb 01 2010 Published by under Change, Hope, Inspiration

Today is Robinson Crusoe’s Day!

Years and years ago, while in my teens, I read this wonderful novel by Daniel Defoe and admired his character’s determination and resourcefulness. 28 years of being a castaway trapped on an island!

Being depressed often feels like you have been kicked out of society. You are struggling and surviving on your own, day in, day out. The pain and suffering of being lonely is immense. The trust and hope that someone will come to your rescue is fading away with each day.

What kept Robinson Crusoe going? How did he manage to find the strength for over a quarter of a century?

Whether we are castaway on an island or feeling trapped in a cycle of depression, we have the same innate resources available to any human being:

1. We have a very powerful imagination, therefore we can create hopes and keep them going.

2. We have an ability to learn and remember, therefore we can acquire and employ new knowledge and skills.

3. We have an ability to analyse what’s working and what is not, therefore we can solve problems and find solutions.

4. We have an ability to plan and examine our plans objectively.

5. We have an ability to adapt if things are not working, therefore we are not wasting our creativity and efforts away.

6. We have an ability to connect with others.


Regardless of how you are feeling right now, all these wonderful resources are within you!


Happy Robinson Crusoe Day!


Other articles you might want to read:

5 Great Reasons To Smile a lot and often

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