Can you smell depression: 5 facts why having a good ability to smell really matters?

Sep 15 2010 Published by under Change

Smell is the most neglected of our senses even when we are not depressed. We take it for granted most of the time, as we no longer need it for our physical survival.

But does having a good ability to smell really matter?

Below are some facts (in bold) I enjoyed putting together to convince myself (and hopefully you) that consciously developing your sense of smell is vital in depression recovery. Continue Reading »

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You will make mistakes and that’s OK

Apr 27 2010 Published by under Determination

We all make mistakes throughout our lives. It’s normal. It’s human. If you try to avoid making mistakes, you will run into all kinds of trouble, ranging from indecisiveness and stagnation to severe depression.

Allowing yourself to live fully would inevitably lead to a few mistakes being made by you and that’s ok. Learn from your mistakes and cherish this knowledge. It is yours to help you recognise the same mistakes in advance and to make the right choices in the future.

Don’t beat yourself up, don’t shame or punish yourself when you mess things up. Of course, you will feel many different emotions arising within you when you know that you were responsible. Don’t try to suppress these emotions. They are there for a purpose! Let them flow and run their course.

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5 Great Reasons to Smile a Lot and Often

Mar 23 2010 Published by under Decision, Information, Inspiration

How often do you smile? Do you naturally greet people with a smile or are you saving your smiles for better times?

In case you are wondering ‘What is there to smile about?’, ‘Why smile when I am feeling pain or numbness inside?’ or ‘Why deceive everyone with my false smile?’, I hope I can encourage you to review your attitude.

Smiling is good for you! Here is why:  Continue Reading »

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