Is my depression back or do I need to slow down to go faster?

Feb 13 2015 Published by under Action, Choice, Inspiration, Strategy

slowI woke up full of energy on a sunny Monday morning ready to start a new week and tick a few items off my ‘To do’ list. Everything was as usual: hectic pre-school ceremony to get my daughter ready for school, my winter morning ritual of caffeinating myself and getting into a warm pair of pants ready to heat the seat of my car…

In short, everything was normal…

Except… Continue Reading »

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Is depression really your enemy?

Jul 09 2013 Published by under Attitude, Choice, Hope, Inspiration

recoverypathThere is something good in your life right now, at this very moment.

It is probably hard for you to see it, let alone to name what exactly is good.

Your mind may be saying ‘nothing is good’ or even worse: ‘nothing will ever be good’. Why do we humans choose to believe our thoughts?

Close your eyes and listen to your heart…

Take a deep breath and listen to your body…

Life runs in you! Life runs through you! You are life! You are precious, wonderful, sacred life!

Yes, you have Depression standing next to you. She is holding you by your shoulders, but she is not your enemyContinue Reading »

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Depression, autumn and letting go.

Oct 16 2012 Published by under Action, Change, Inspiration

Autumn is here. The leaves begin to change colour and fall. Nature is performing its ‘Let it go!’ dance once again!

A few more weeks and all the deciduous trees will look pretty much the same, revealing their solid and beautiful structure that we can all admire on a cold and misty day.

It’s seems like the trees need to let go of all the weight they can before the heavy snow and winds hit their magnificent crowns.

The trees have the inner wisdom of adapting themselves to a new season. They don’t resist it!

They have the immense trust to let go easily and effortlessly and just rest, rest, rest, consolidating their strength, until a new powerful transition and transformation takes place in the spring.
Why not be in alignment with Mother Nature and release some thoughts that bring you suffering and prevent you from recovery?

Take a mindful walk in nature this week. Observe the changes. Get inspired by the powerful and effortless transformations and renewals that are taking place around you.  Continue Reading »

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