If you think that Depression is an illness…

Jul 11 2013 Published by under Attitude, Change, Inspiration

is depression an illness?While my current belief is that depression is more complex than a straightforward illness, I see no harm in placing it under a medical umbrella, if it can be useful.

So, if you want to consider it an illness, I won’t rush to convince you otherwise!


If you think that depression is an illness, then treat it like one!  Continue Reading »

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Sunglasses? Check! Sunblock? Check! Depression? Check!

Jun 21 2013 Published by under Action, Choice, Inspiration

Sunshine1Let me get it clear from the very start. Wearing sunglasses and sunblock does not bring on depression!

However, when you equip yourself with a pair of shades and choose to splodge some sunblock over your skin, you are doing something that might affect your health and your mood in a very profound way.  Continue Reading »

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Sauntering out of depression…

Jun 19 2013 Published by under Action, Inspiration

rose-photoToday is World Sauntering Day!


I don’t use this word at all, do you?

I prefer to use the word ‘stroll’ instead.

A good stroll for me means no hurry, peace of mind, walking meditation, total relaxation and focus on the beauty around me, while I am gently rocking my body by putting one foot in front of the other.

So simple! So easy! So connecting! So nourishing! So healing!

It is a great art to saunter.’ ~ Henry David Thoreau

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Is it possible to get out of depression in 80 days or less?

Oct 02 2012 Published by under Action, Attitude, Inspiration

Before we get into ‘How to lift depression in 80 days of less’, I want to introduce you to my expert: Phileas Fogg*.

On October 2, 1872 (exactly 140 years ago), Phileas Fogg placed a wager:

“I will bet twenty thousand pounds against anyone who wishes, that I will make the tour of the world in eighty days or less… As today is Wednesday, the second of October, I shall be due in London, in this very room of the Reform Club, on Saturday, the twenty-first of December, at a quarter before nine PM; or else the twenty thousand pounds . . . will belong to you.”

Equipped with astonishing determination, commitment and a “no-matter-what” approach, he won that bet, despite all the challenges that stood in his way!

Are you looking for an answer to “How to lift your depression in 80 days or less”?  Continue Reading »

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No One Cares About Me…

Sep 25 2012 Published by under Change, Inspiration, Strategy

Depression is an interesting phenomenon. It can rot you from the inside out, while making you believe that it is the outside world that is making you sick.

Sometimes it contaminates your thoughts with a sad and extremely painful “discovery”: ‘Nobody cares about me…’

Then your brain reacts to this thought.

Imagine your confused brain trying to rapidly figure out what action to take after this ‘no one cares’ statement:

‘Should I get angry?’, ‘What can I do to make them care?’, ‘Am I worthless?’, etc. etc.

The possibilities of what can emerge out of this torturing thought activity are endless. Continue Reading »

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