Feel depression and do it anyway!

Apr 08 2014 Published by under Action, Choice, Inspiration



A depressed brain is full of “I can’t” and waiting…


Waiting to feel better…

Waiting to have more energy…

Waiting for a better mood…

Waiting for a spark of motivation…

Waiting to care (as in to give a damn about)…

Waiting… Waiting…Waiting…


It is hard to do anything when you are in the depths of depression.

Getting yourself to do even the simplest thing like getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth, etc. might seem like an attempt to climb Mount Everest.


Should you continue to wait?

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The risk of recovering from depression vs. the risk of living with depression.

Jan 17 2012 Published by under Attitude, Change

Depression is painful. You feel hurt.

You lead a predictable and guaranteed painful existence. You numb yourself with drugs and sometimes lots of sleep. You wait for the pain to go away.

Before long you build an illusion that your recovery is out of your reach.

Then you build another illusion that if you were meant to recover, your journey out of depression would be clear, fast and totally pain-free.


Have you ever thought that you might be hampering your own recovery and choosing to play it safe instead? ‘Better the devil you know?’

Could it be possible that the pain of your depression is less than the pains you might experience during and after your recovery?

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Tired and depressed: True and loyal buddies of your depression

Aug 25 2010 Published by under Decision, Determination, Inspiration

You have been depressed for so long that you are sick and tired of being depressed. You want your life back! You desire to feel happy, confident, successful, valued, connected, interested and interesting. ‘If only I can break the cycle of this depression and set myself free to LIVE the rest of my life!’

The truth is: it’s hard to break free from depression. It’s almost impossible to talk yourself out of it (Would be nice to hear from people who succeeded this way!) It’s also unlikely that a person, who has been crippled by depression, would find strength, discipline and motivation to do and act differently from one particular moment forward.

Why is that?

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